

Well it's been a long while since I posted. I've been keeping myself pretty busy. I was volunteering at the hospital for a while and really enjoyed my time there. I volunteering some in 2 South (nursing unit), Outpatient surgery, and in the Denali Center. I learned a lot by watching the staff and listening to what they were saying. When someone had the time I would ask a few questions. I learned really fast to keep a pad of paper handy and write things down as I had questions. That way I could ask questions later or look for definitions or examples at home later. Wednesday was my last day volunteering for a while because my CNA class started on Thursday but I can't wait to get started again.

I was very happy to find out that I got an A on my Medical Terminology Class. That class wasn't required but I really got a lot out of it. I couldn't imagine working in any medical facility without knowing the lingo! It's already come in really handy in my nurses aid class because you need to know a certain amount of terminology and abbreviations for that class as well.

I started feeling like I was catching a cold Wednesday and by that night I was pretty sick. So for the first two days of class and was looking pretty bad and it look all I had to keep my eyes open. I'm taking the month long class instead of the semester class so I can't even miss one day or I will not have enough hours of training to get my certification from the state. Alaska requires 164 hours of training which is among the highest out of all the 50 states. Already on Monday there is a test and orientation at the FMH Denali Center. I am excited and can't wait to be working as a CNA!

Well I'm off to rest and study in bed. I need to shake this cold as fast as I can.

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