
Dieting faux pas

This was an interesting article. Funny though, they don't mention anything about salt and sour cravings. I've been careful about what I eat and how much and I exersize every day but every now and then I NEEEEEEEEEED salt or vinegar. Too bad that doesn't taste good by itself huh? No, I need it on chips or french fries. Sometimes I eat a salad drenched in salt and vinegar but my lettuce looked a little peaked. Unfortunately, my husband bought some salt and vinegar pringles for Jared. Yup, I ate them. I didn't eat them all but at 150 calories for only 6 chips I ate at least 10 miles worth! UGH. I'm off to the garage to work out.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I have my baby tonight! Sweet little kay-shee (Linda's daughter but MY baby hehe)


Rebekah L. said...

Did you go to Marlas wedding? Do you have pictures?? If so, can you email me one or two? I completely forgot about it...i feel so bad. Renee emailed me the other day and reminded me....I'm a horrible friend. I bet she's super happy.
How are you? Haven't heard from you in a while.
Susannah is growing like crazy!! She's getting SO FAT!!!! Just like her mom!! hehehehe...actually I have under ten pounds to be back at my pre-prego weight but i want to lose about ten more on top of that. We'll see.. :O)
So when are you going to come visit? ;O)
How are classes going? I've heard that's one of the most challenging programs offered up there. I have several friends in the nursing program..

Rebekah L. said...

oh yeah, what were the names of those books you said i should read?

