
Sick of being sick

I have been sick or allergic or both for all of the month of July and frankly......I'm sick of it. I missed two weddings that I really wanted to go to too. Two good friends of mine are now happily married and I MISSED IT! I had planned on doing so much more this summer! I planned on having the best garden ever this summer since I would be home and not working. I planned to sew a bunch of new clothes with my sewing machine. I planned on getting out my sketch books and my paints and taking a lot of pictures. I planned on reading a bunch of books. I planned to knit something wonderful. I planned to volunteer at the hospital and the literacy council and I've just been sick or had my eyes swollen up to where I couldn't even see to drive let along read or paint. This month I barely made it to my classes because my eyes were watering so bad. I have to drive into the sun to get there and at 5:30 the sun has been playing chicken with me. I had to pull over (be the chicken) 3 times a couple weeks ago to put in eye drops and clear up my eyes and ended up being 30 minutes late for that class. The instructor let me take the test I missed after class and I got a 101 on it. I am finally starting to get this stuff!! I'm hoping to be about to pull off a B at least. Anyway, I missed out on so much this summer. I only read about 5 books which mostly weren't even on my reading list. I have only volunteered on a limited basis at the literacy council and I've been limited to riding my stationary bike in my garage instead of getting outside unless it's raining. People think I'm nuts but it really is so beautiful when it rains and the color of everything is intensified. Mainly though the air is CLEANER! When it's raining I don't have an allergic reaction to anything and the clean air is wonderful. I am not the only one that realizes this either because I always pass other people out walking and jogging and biking in the rain. It's funny though because I can see people that pass in the cars look at me like I'm crazy and sometimes actually read those words on their lips. They don't know what they are missing.

Well, I'm scheduling a doctors appointment to see what's up with my stomach. I'm worried they will tell me to stop drinking coffee. Is there a 12 step progam for coffee-aholics?

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