

I've been having fun at jumpcut lately. If you haven't heard about this site you should go check it out. They let you upload your pictures, movie clips, and sounds files and then make your own movies. You can edit, add titles and special effects and it's great fun. If you go by there you should look me up. I'm Donnabug. I just made a great music video out of pictures of the boys dancing with an exercise video in their pajamas. I also wrote a country song for Flylady. It's a song about decluttering so it may seem funny to most people. My kids were certainly laughing their tails off.

You know, a cop just drove by my house way too fast.... do you think I should call the cops? LOL I live across the street from a park and people drive too fast all the time. I am always yelling at someone for almost hitting a child. Hmmmm can a cop get a ticket? And who would give it? Things to ponder.

Well, great news! I found my purse! It was at Quiznos! I didn't even remember going there but I'm so glad to have it back! My husband wanted to go there for lunch before he left for Vegas and I had a class that night. So I couldn't even concentrate on lunch because I wanted to study more for my quiz. I pretty much just stuffed my face and wanted to go. That must be why I forgot it there.

In other news, LOL, I managed to maim myself in the middle of the night. The dog needed to go outside at about 1:30 am and I think I was sleep walking when I got up to let her out. When she came back in and I closed the door the metal edge of the weather stripping on the edge of the door sliced right underneath my big toe nail....right where the nail bed starts. Oh man it hurt and I woke up real fast!! It started bleeding, turned dark purple and blew up to the size of a drumstick. I put some stuff on it and tried to go back to bed but I couldn't sleep it was throbbing so bad. I kept soaking it with antiseptic and finally the swelling went down and it was only purple under the nail. So I painted my toenails a dark color. It still hurts though. Owie. Cry for me.

Well, Happy Fathers day to all the fathers out there. My husband is in Vegas still so I know he's a happy father.

I better go study for my Medical Terminology class.

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