
Learning too much to slow

Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas H. Huxley

I love this quote. This is what I do with everything to the point it actually becomes a downfall. If someone asks me a question and I don't know the answer I can't go on until I find out. I can't just say "I don't know". Well, now that I'm taking this Medical Terminology class I'm finding this is a huge issue. The purpose of the class is to learn the lingo and not all of the details on everything. Since I have this huge hunger to learn all of the details I fall behind.

One of the books I needed for this class is a medical dictionary. I got Mosby's medical dictionary and it has great pictures and so much information that I find myself actually READING THE DICTIONARY! I start out looking up a term for my class and on the way I see this interesting picture. Next thing I know I've read about that which led me to new terms I didn't know so I looked them up too and have sticky notes all over the place like bread crumbs to mark my path. An hour or so later I'll realize I got sidetracked again and need to get back to studying the right stuff for my class! It's dangerous!

So I took my mid term yesterday and I don't think I did very well. I missed the class last week because my oldest son Jared was hurt at baseball and we had to get x-rays done to make sure everything was okay. We went to a walk in clinic and so all in all we were there for over 4 hours! I also managed to rip my big toe nail off when I was helping my husband move a mattress. That was one of the most painful things I've ever had happen to me - probably right between my sick gallbladder and childbirth. YES, I'd rather had another baby than have that happen to my toe again and I thank God I only had ONE gallbladder! I do have pictures (not bloody but showing toe nail not attached) if anyone wants to see LOL So, with all of that going on last week I didn't study as much as I should have and I didn't retain very well the stuff I did study. One thing is for sure, I know the anatomy of my toe pretty well!

Well, I can't do anything about that test anymore and I have to wait until next week to find out how I did. At least I knew the extra credit questions so that should help. I'll just have to really study from here on out and try to only study what's in the book and not get to in debt in the learning process. I know the skeletal system is coming up and that will be hard to resist. I've already read it actually. I really need to get good grades from here on out to bring up my score.

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