
I say ... and you think ... ?

Oh, I've been in bed too long. I'm playing these silly web games again... Click the title to check out the link. Anyway, if you need further information to understand you just write the first word or phrase that comes to mind for each line. "Over time, this technique is supposed to help bring forth repressed thoughts and feelings that the person can then work through to gain a better sense of self."

  1. Taking sides:: middle ground
  2. Couples:: salt and pepper/ apples and oranges
  3. Right of refusal:: property
  4. Marla:: crazy friend
  5. Multiple:: talents
  6. Trinity:: Holy
  7. Sneeze:: Bless you
  8. Sweatpants:: comforts of home
  9. Steve:: phone
  10. Fabulous:: Bonnie

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