
Whooh, What a day!

First of all I had this crazy nightmare that melded two of my worst weaknesses/issues together in the oddest way. Your mind is like a little brother sometimes - taunting, evil, and stupid all at the same time. Maybe I should cut out the midnight snack or something.

Well anyway, my first issue is that I'm allergic to cats. Well most cats. I went to a thrift type store the other day to see if they had a coffee table I could redo and I found these cool shirts that my oldest son would like. They looked new and were only $3 each. I bought him 3 of them. I remember feeling a little itchy there and I felt like I had something in my eye just before I left. The next morning I woke up with my eye all red and irritated. I finally got a fine dark hair out of my eye and it started to get better.

Next issue....well weakness...or both. I LOVE blue eyes. If I see someone with those awesome sky-blue eyes my knees buckle and I can't keep my head long enough to form a sentence. I think I should call a therapist. Yes, my husband has blue eyes and so did all the guys that I dated. I even had a dog with blue eyes. After a while I get used to it and act normal until the next set of blue eyes walk my way *sighs like I'm high*

So, this odd dream was about this CAT with blue eyes LOL Talk about mixed up. It kept following me everywhere I went...at the grocery store (where I was buying ice cream and frozen french fries LOL) and then in sears! It followed me home (I was walking) and then I felt bad for it and let it in my house. That's when I started the wild sneezing and turning red and bumpy but I couldn't run it off or even take my eyes off of this cat with the gorgeous blue eyes. Is that the most retarded thing you have ever heard????????????????? I think I've lost my mind.

Funny thing is, about 30 minutes before my alarm went off I rolled over to check the time and couldn't open my left eye and could barely open the other eye. My eyes were swollen shut! I think there had to be cat hair on those shirts and when I was doing laundry last night I handled them. It's a good thing I knew right where the benedryl was because I couldn't see anything. I took one and it knocked me out cold. I vaguely remember thinking about the kids needing to be woken up for school and then deciding that I needed their services for today. I woke up a couple hours later and fumbled into Jared's room to wake him up. He instantly came to my rescue like I knew he would. I barely explained what the problem was and he went and started the laundry. He is washing everything! Riley helped me a lot too by bringing me things or helping me when I couldn't see. Now it's about 3pm and I feel a lot better. The swelling has gone down and I can see. My eye is just a little scratchy feeling. I just wish I could quit feeling freaked out from that crazy dream I had!

I am going to go meet a friend at the literacy council's used book store (Forget me not used books) and see if I can't get my mind off of that!

1 comment:

Rebekah L. said...

Donner...you never invite ME to the bookstore anymore!!
I want to go, i want to go!!

