
Plants, frogs, and books....oh my. I have no life.

For some reason I'm going plant crazy already! It's early in the winter and I already miss my garden. I keep buying more and more plants and really tending to the ones I have. It's like I'm impatiently tapping my feet waiting for them to go dry so I can water them. My husband actually had the nerve to suggest that I had too many plants and that maybe I should "get rid of a few". It must have been the look on my face because he quickly said "uh...never mind" and left LOL

I think I had a fungus/soil problem - probably from using too much fertilizer or maybe the wrong kind. I had this one bottle of Alaskan fertilizer that was causing strange "formations" to grow on top of the soil of some of my plants. Yes, I was following the directions! Some of my plants actually look great. So anyway, I removed the top layers of soil with all of the stalagmites and added in fresh soil. One large plant though, who has been looking really puny lately, had pretty solid soil. I don't remember what type of soil I put in there but it was hard to break up! I had to actually get a knife and chop at it. I was afraid to chop any roots but I never did find any in that stuff. No wonder the plant wasn't doing very well, all it's roots were in the top 3 inches of soil even though the planter is quite large. I completely romoved that plant and changed out the soil. I hope it does better now. I had a couple of smaller plants that died *sob* but I'll get more I'm sure. I think someone opened the kitchen window after the temperature dropped in the fall. The plants I lost were all there. I had a beautiful verigated ivy that had climbed up this little trellis and it turned brown and brittle!!!!!! I also lost an African violet that was there. I am not surprised no one will admit to being a plant killer! I think I might be a people killer if they did.

Anyway, I just bought a new ivy yesterday. It's a nice ivy even though it isn't verigated. I got it all potted and it looks great. I'll have to take a picture of it later. I got another neat plant sometime last week and I just love this one! I've never seen one like this before but I just loved it's unique red flower!

Drats! This thing wont let me post a picture! I'll put it up later.

Anyway, I also bought some new fishes yesterday. I bought 5 tiger barbs and they are so neat looking. They stay together in a tight little group and my little frogs don't know what to think of them. I've been watching the frogs sneaking around and checking them out and it's so funny. The tiger barbs look like a group of little soldiers darting around in their little group. They are primarily black and white striped with an orange fin. It makes them look uniformed compared to the other fish. The frogs are so big and clumsy compaired to the barbs. This one frog had climbed the cave dealy in there and was standing up precariously with one foot stretched out and supported by the top of cave. As he watched the strange group of barbs his foot slipped off and he went cartwheeling to the bottom of the tank........real.....s l o w. It reminded me of Jarjar binks following around a group of stormtroopers. I'll post some pictures when blogger decides to let me.

I finished reading the book "The sudden lady" and I am trying to decide what to read next. There are so many choices but I actually bought a NEW BOOK! I went to barnes and noble to renew my membership card and browsed the whole store while I was there sipping my starbucks. Nummy! I decided I want to learn how to speak Italian so I bought a book with a CD. I have wanted to learn Italian ever since I listened to the audiobook for The Last Promise by Richard Paul Evans. I just fell in love with the sound of it. God help me if some good looking young guy came along speaking to me in Italian. If he happend to have lots of money and clean house......... Oh come on! You know I wouldn't do something like that..... hmmmmmm *day dreaming*

1 comment:

Rebekah L. said...

Donna....!!! I have THE SAME SICKNESS!!! Jeremy keeps saying it's going to end up jungle in here. But I say...there are still rooms with NO PLANTS in them at all!!! So there's no way I can have too many....I want to see some pictures. There's this one plant I have that I've tried to kill about twelve times since I got it (it was the first one I bought when I moved down here)...it's leaped off the wall, been over-fertilized (i hate fertilizer...it always tries to kill my plants) been fried by fungicide and it WILL NOT DIE. Thankfully, cause I'm attached to it. I did however, manage to kill another one of my plants (when it leapt off the wall).
I want to see pictures of your plants, your fish, your frogs, and your stained glass window.
I was thinking about getting some african dwarf frogs....my betta died. ICK

