

Well I haven't been feeling good for the past few days but I did have some excitment that is worth mentioning here. I got a j-o-b! I received an officer on October 31st. I was really hoping I would get that job but mostly I was hoping I wouldn't have to turn it down if I got a better offer. I applied for another job that had a better schedule but not the type of experience I was hoping to get. After I talked to them again on Friday I was worried I would be offered both and then would have to chose between the two. UGH. I agonized over that one all weekend. I prayed that I would only be offered the one I should take. The job I took is in special procedures and it looks like a very exciting job. I'm proud to have it! I just wont be able to take classes while working in this job. The schedule is from 11am to 7:30 pm. I am in the door though and things will work out.

On Sunday I went to the church that I went to as a kid and saw my old Sunday School teacher from when I was 3 years old. She also played the piano during my wedding at the same church. On December the 7th this year she will be 101 years old. I was so glad to see her and she how well she is doing. She's a wonderful lady.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! It sure is amazing what a little faith will do! I'm proud of you and knew you could do it!!! Tracy :o)

