
This is where some of my tulips will be going. I will also be adding handmade concrete stepping stones embedded with words from Frost's "Road less traveled". Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tulips...I am so jealous! Of course, you have the regular four seasons up north, while we in Louisiana have Hot, HOT, Mostly Hot, and A Bit Cool But Not For Too Long. I love gladioli and tulips and daffodils and all the beautiful flowers of Spring, but they never really grow right down here, and since our cold season ends in early February all the lovely flowers are long gone by the time they're just now growing further northwards, if they'll grow at all.

Granted, my roses never need anything but water, and usually don't even go dormant when it gets cold. *s*

Still, tulips...I'm *jealous!*

