
Blue dog

My Blue girl was sick last night. I was up all night, every hour, going back and forth from outside and back in. It was like having a baby again. I really thought she was going to die because she was throwing up white foam and the little bit of food she ate. She was also shaking and pacing and whining a lot. It just broke my heart when she looked at me with those sad brown eyes.

I heard white foam usually meant the dog got ahold of antifreeze. I'm not sure on that but I did pick up a book today on vetrinarian procedures and emergency treatments. So maybe next time I'll be a little better informed. Last night I just did a little googling and ended up giving Blue some Pepto tablets in pieces of hotdog. I also kept trying to get water down her. By 10 am she seemed to stop pacing and gagging and laid down to sleep. During the day today she drank 3 bowls of water. I felt so bad for her. I'm so glad she's okay now.

I was so glad she seemed to be resting okay before my lunch date with my friends. I would have had a hard time leaving her otherwise. She was happy to go snuggle in her kennel though. I had a great time with Cheesy-G and Sp-linda again and Baby A is getting cuter!! I didn't think it was possible! Her mom said she's been keeping her awake all night. I know the feeling! We had a great visit and CG and I hammed it up. Next time I'll have to get SpLinda!

I gave my copy of the Red hat club to CG even though I wasn't quite finished. I knew there was another copy at the literacy council. I went there right after and found a bunch of great books. That's where I got the book on vet care. I also found a good book on sewing and a book called "Ireland" that looks great and a few more poetry books. I was in hog heaven! I love that place. So now I'm reading this huge hard cover version of the Red Hat club and it's a weird shift.

I was coming home just in time to swing by and pick up Jared after school. We had a coffee date. We couldn't go without Blue girl though. They always have a treat for her. She was so happy to see her boy and it was good to see her acting normal again even though she wasn't quite her spunky self.

Oh, Ry got an A on his science project/report! I'm so proud of him!

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