
Quote of the day

"To Accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France Nobel Prize-winning author

Just when I started to doubt myself and my abilities I came across this quote in some mail. It came at a good time. I go through times when I seem to be so ambitious and then I fall for a time and am plagued by "what ifs" and self doubt. I talked to someone who was a nurse and she said some things that weren't specific but I got the impression that she didn't like her job. She said it was hard work, which I knew, but she seemed to be trying to warn me, against what exactly I'm not sure. Then I started thinking, WHAT IF I can't do it.......WHAT IF I'm not smart enough......WHAT IF I'm just wasting time and money doing this?????? Then I volunteered to help at the health fair at the literacy council and I really enjoyed myself. I talked to several people in the health field and I noticed the sparkle in their eyes when they were talking. I realized then that these were the people that love their jobs and love helping people. I am doing this for that reason too. So I'm ready to get started and to stop doubting myself. I'm ready to put everything I have into becoming a nurse. I stopped procrastinating about getting that shot I need to volunteer at the hospital and got that done yesteday. It wasn't even that bad!
I'll clip this quote and keep it handy for future plunges I'm sure to have.

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