
Lonely birthday party

The party was a bust. No one showed. I even sent my oldest out on a secret undercover mission to try to scope out some neighborhood kids. He couldn't find anyone at home. It's just been too cold. No one wants to do anything. What a time of year to have a birthday. I knew it was going to be hard though and had prepared him. Still it was hard to watch him stand at the window and jump every time a car came around the corner..only to drive right past our house. Poor guy.... I think I'll throw him a surprise birthday at the new McDonald's when it opens. Hopefully that will be soon. Hmmmmmmm maybe I'll officially change his his birthday to March. That's a much better time to have a birthday and it's not too close to Christmas!

We still had fun by ourselves though. Dad said it was actually pretty cool that we got to eat the ice cream cake all by ourselves. That got a laugh out of the little man. Than he and his brother had a blow horn battle. They also called Gram. She always seems to make things better.

The oddest thing of the day was the mystery dead fish in his tank. He was all in a panic saying, "which one is it, which one is it" with his eyes scrunched closed. None of his fish are mising. It's a pretty small fish. I'm wondering if his guppies had a baby and we just never noticed.

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